Baby Squirrels

DAY 31. Rock, Paper, Scissors
Saturday, 17 August 2002

The squirrels are drinking from the eyedropper now. Rock has the biggest head, and he drinks a whopping 4 ml then goes to sleep. Scissors squirms and doesn't enjoy having an eyedropper in her mouth, but if I catch her drowsy, she drinks quite a bit. Paper holds the eyedropper and drinks a lot.

They yawn while we feed them
and fall asleep sucking
from the eyedropper.

It took small Scissors three feedings to start lapping up the liquid. I worried that she might not make it, but she seems to be coming around. Paper clings to my fingers with her paws, and likes to eat upside down. Scissors is usually successful in the ongoing struggle to worm into the center of the bed. Big Brother Rock is amiable, and sometimes crawls away from the squirming sisters to sleep in peace and quiet.

They make little cooing noises when they're full and warm.

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