Baby Squirrels

DAY 56. Outdoors!
Wednesday, 11 September 2002

The squirrels spent the first few days hiding in their nest box, alarmed by the noises and smells and sights of the outside world. But eventually they emerged to explore their new environment. They are becoming much more active.

Today Rock is learning how to jump! He leaped from side to side of the red swing, and on and off the walls of the cage. He especially likes scooting along and under a piece of wood laid across the swing. And they are all learning how to sit and hold their food. Rock also stuck out his tongue today! He chews off hunks of wood and sits and gnaws the nuggets.

They played all day yesterday. These are no longer sleepy babies! When the UPS truck drives by with an alarming rumble, they stop playing and freeze!



Visit the squirrels tomorrow.

Visit them yesterday.

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