Baby Squirrels

DAY 64. Away From Home
Thursday, 19 September 2002

Today was hot again, and the squirrels were sprawled flat and listless. I moved their cage into the shade beneath the bushes and trees against my fence. They were cautious about emerging from their nest box in the new location. I gave them lettuce and corn and tomatoes, and went shopping.

When I came home, Rock wasn't in or around the cage!

Scissors and Paper were more exploratory without Rock. Especially Paper, who had spent the majority of her time in the nest box. They climbed up and down the cage, jumped on and off my arm, trotted to the end of the palm leaf and back! But Rock was nowhere to be seen.

He might be lost. When a child is lost, she can get home easily. She just gives a police officer her name. But a squirrel cannot ask for help. Rock would have trouble finding his way home if he was lost. I was worried! But Rock came home a few hours later, jumping among the tree limbs and bouncing across the mossy ground beneath the bushes. He was in his element, capable and playful in the new environment!

Later in the day, Paper and Scissors also ran beneath the bushes and up the tree limbs. It was a good idea to move their cage to the shade. They are happier with more foliage to nibble and hide beneath.

Visit the squirrels tomorrow.

Visit them yesterday.

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